What is this website?

MyDigitalJournals.com is ... well ... it's exactly that, my digital journals. I started journaling last month (February 2025) and it has been a fantastic experience. Sitting at my desk at the end of every day and writing down what happened, my thoughts, my feelings, is an almost meditative experience. I'm able to relive the day again with eyes that are a little bit older, and maybe, just a little bit wiser. I'm able to take the time to appreciate everything, the good and the bad. I'm able to find myself. I journal to help improve my writing. I journal to help organize my thoughts. I journal so that the person I write about is exactly who I've always wanted to be.

I wanted a way to always have access to my journals, no matter where or when I am. Creating a website seemed like a good way to do that, so long as I have a device with internet connection and the money to pay the domain fee. I thought about making it private, a password protected site, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to make it public. If anyone finds this and wants to look through it, feel free. If it helps you in any way, I am truly glad.

If you want to start your own journal, I've created a very simple webpage here. You can start typing whatever you want and save it as a TXT or PDF file. Happy journaling!